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Nicholas Enoch

CCBC Graduate, General Studies, Honors, '20

Profile photo of Nicholas Enoch

An aspiring writer, Nick served as editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, CCBC Connection.

For Nicholas Enoch, school wasn’t always an easy or pleasurable experience. Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome as a child, he describes himself as “socially awkward,” with his middle and high school years being especially hard for him.

“I didn't think I was good enough to go to college,” said Nick, who was a General Studies major. “I felt that I would not be able to think about college, let alone actually go to college. CCBC, for me, was a second chance to improve my education and myself as a person.”

After starting at CCBC, Nick came out of his shell and got involved in many activities on campus. He was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honors society and a member of the CCBC Fresh Faces team. Additionally he was a First-Year Experience mentor, offering guidance and support to incoming students.

"I am a very introverted person and becoming involved at CCBC changed my life for the better,” said Nick.

Now I always look forward to meeting new people, sharing my story and helping students find opportunities to grow and shine, much like I was able to do at CCBC.

A CCBC 2020 graduate, Nick plans to transfer to a four-year university to major in Journalism and either Chinese or International Relations. He would like to become a travel writer or work for an international news station, which will enable him to achieve his goal of experiencing and writing about new cultures.

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