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Gabriel Tanenbaum-Vogler

CCBC Student, Environmental Science, '24

Profile photo of Gabriel Tanenbaum Vogler

An Early College Access Program student, Gabriel began his environmental science and global studies at CCBC while in high school.

To get a jump start on his college education, Gabriel Tanenbaum-Vogler started taking classes at CCBC in 2020 when he was still in high school, taking advantage of the Maryland Parallel Enrollment Program, one of CCBC’s Early College Access Programs.

“I had heard only good things from family and friends about CCBC,” said Tanenbaum-Vogler, who was homeschooled. “My whole family has attended CCBC, and I liked how affordable and well-liked it was.”

He receives a Pell Grant that covers his tuition so he can focus on classes and extracurricular activities without worrying about how to pay for college.

“I believe that the flexibility of classes has allowed me to become a better student leader and become more involved with the community,” said Tanenbaum-Vogler, an Environmental Science major. “I have done lots while being enrolled in CCBC.”

In addition to being one of CCBC’s Fresh Faces, Tanenbaum-Vogler is a student ambassador, president of the Green Club and a member of the International Club and the Garden Club. View clubs and organizations.

“Being in these clubs has helped me in my path to becoming a bigger part of my community and helping more individuals,” said Tanenbaum-Vogler, who has also participated in out-of-state trips with CCBC Global Studies.

While Tanenbaum-Vogler takes advantage of many of the opportunities CCBC offers, his favorite part of being at CCBC is the people.

“I have never met such a wide variety of individuals with such a plethora of knowledge,” said Tanenbaum-Vogler.

“Faculty has been kind, helpful and always willing to help.”

For someone undecided about attending community college, Tanenbaum-Vogler says there are only positives: “Transferring is much easier. Also, community college helps get you in the groove of college life, and it can be a wonderful place to make an impact on your community.”

After earning his associate degree from CCBC, Tanenbaum-Vogler plans to transfer to UMBC to complete his bachelor’s degree. He would like to pursue a career in conservation and sustainability.