Enroll in a learning community!
Become part of a community with your instructors and colleagues, gain a cross-curricular perspective and have fun while learning!
In our learning communities, you'll enroll in two or more linked courses alongside a group of peers. This unique structure fosters a collaborative learning environment that includes:
- Peer support: Students become part of a community as they attend two classes with the same group of students. They get to know the other students, make friends and network.
- Teacher support: Students have the support of two teachers who care very deeply about their academic success.
- Integrated coursework: Rather than work on completely different assignments in the two classes, learning community students have assignments that combine the topics and materials in both classes. In this way, students save time while increasing their learning.
- Preparation for future classes: Through analyzing the connections between the two different courses, students strengthen their higher-level thinking skills, which prepares them for more challenging classes in the future.
- Convenient schedule: Most learning communities are scheduled back-to-back, so students have fewer “free” hours between classes.
- Special activities: Learning communities often have a theme, and teachers often arrange special activities such as service learning, on-campus theater productions and other events, guest speakers or field trips.