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Female Student Success Initiative

Community. Scholarship. Excellence.

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Introducing FSSI

The Female Student Success Initiative (FSSI) provides comprehensive academic and holistic support for women at CCBC. Mentorship, advisement and professional development make up the core of this initiative, providing students with the guidance and encouragement they need to navigate their academic and career journeys successfully.

Our principles

A mentoring program allows us to connect with female students in meaningful ways, sharing knowledge and experiences that can help them navigate college and life.

Tackle academic and career challenges with confidence.

  • Mentorship: FSSI mentors will help you navigate academic challenges and set career goals to ensure your success both in school and beyond. 
  • Academic Advising: Make informed decisions as you work through course selection, degree planning and academic requirements with the help of an academic advisor.

Shape your success with leadership and career growth.

  • Mock Interviews: Practice and refine your interview skills to prepare for real-world job opportunities. 
  • Externships and Job Shadowing: Observe professionals, build industry knowledge and gain valuable insights into potential career paths. 
  • Resume Support: Craft a refined and polished resume by receiving guidance on formatting, content, presentation, etc. in order to stand out to potential employers. 
  • College Application Assistance: Improve your chances of acceptance with specialized support designed to help you navigate and complete the college application process.

Discover new pathways to achievement through the FSSI Scholars Program.

  • Dynamic Speaker Series: Industry leaders and experts share their experience, offering fresh perspectives, valuable insights, practical advice and a deeper understanding of the working world. 
  • Transfer Information Workshops: Tap into essential guidance on the transfer process to ensure a seamless transition to your next academic institution. 
  • Financial Literacy Sessions: Learn how to manage your finances effectively to foster long-term financial success. 

Questions? Contact us!

Adrianne Washington

Dean, Special Academic Programing

Monica Walker

Dean, School of Writing, Literacy and Language