Exams for placement in English and math courses:
Most first-time certificate and degree-seeking students will need to take one or more placement tools to determine their course placement for math and/or English. These are interactive tools that allow us to help you find the right class for you.
You'll start with ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (ALEKS PPL), which is used to determine your readiness for math and other courses at CCBC. ALEKS PPL is untimed but plan for 60-90 minutes to complete the assessment. If you aren't satisfied with your score, you can arrange to retake the test up to two times.
College entry exams and assessments required for your program:
CLEP and DSST: The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) are credit by examination opportunities. Credit by exam is a form of prior learning assessment that allows you to take a test in exchange for college credit, getting you steps closer to graduation while saving money!
Both exams are ideal for members of the military and students who have competency in the subjects they cover. Exam fees are waived for members of the military. Exam fees are waived for members of the military. Check the College Board website to see if your military status is eligible for fee waiver.
CLEP is available at all testing centers; DSST is available at Catonsville and Essex only.
GED: Students in our GED-prep program or members of the community can complete the GED exam series at most of our locations. For information regarding GED or high school diploma preparation classes, contact gednedp@ccbcmd.edu. Visit the GED website to schedule your test.
TEAS: If you're applying to any of our Nursing (RN, LPN, LPN-RN), Radiography, or Dental Hygiene programs, you must pass the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). You can choose to take the exam at an approved testing facility or at any CCBC Testing and Assessment Center location. Please register through the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) website.
Make-up exams, finals for online classes or special accommodations:
Make-up and final exams: From time-to-time, students will need to schedule a make-up exam or take in-person exams for online learning. Either way, you can schedule an appointment at a Testing and Assessment Center location. Just be sure to include your course and professor's information when you book!
Special accommodations: If you have a documented disability and require accommodations for your course exam, we can help! Contact Student Accessibility Services for a referral, then book your appointment.
Proctoring services and exams for employees:
- Proctoring Services: If you're enrolled at another institution and need a proctored testing environment for course exams, placement tests, or certification tests – you can book an appointment with us!
Proctoring services info
- Exams for CCBC employees: We can also proctor Human Resources exams for CCBC employee candidates. For example, testing is required for some administrative roles.