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Youth Programs

A place to learn and grow

Our youth programs offer enrichment for children and teens ages 7-17 in various subjects ranging from academics, culinary arts, fitness and wellness, performing arts, self-development and visual arts. Choose from classes offered-year round or enroll in one of our summer programs!

Photo of Adam Pratnicki, a CCBC youth student

Taking classes was awesome! I made new friends, I tried new things – like golf and cake decorating – and had a lot of fun!

Kids at CCBC Homeschool Destination

Our programs offer a variety of activities for homeschool students throughout the year. Classes include anatomy, CPR, music, biology, physics, computer science, foreign languages, writing, art and more.

If you are in high school and looking to get college credit, check our our parallel enrollment program. 

Scheduled classes for Spring

Additional Information

Questions? Contact us.

Ang Robinson

Coordinator, Youth Program