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Introduction to Engineering Technology (EGNT 101)

Credit Course

3 credits

$122 per credit

in-county, fees apply

Is a course in which students cover topics in a variety of construction and engineering disciplines. Students examine various careers in engineering and the methods and processes used in the fields of civil, surveying, construction, electrical, mechanical, and other engineering fields. Topics include robotics, soil mechanics, project management, ethics, engineering design, navigation systems, and measurement equipment. Skills are applied through engineering challenges and hands-on field activities. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions.

Prerequisite(s): [ACLT 052 or ACLT 053 or (ESOL 052 and ESOL 054)] and [MATH 083 or MATH 135 or MATH 163 or higher].