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Special Police Officer

Continuing Education Workforce Certificate





A special police officer must be at least 18 years old and hold a commission granted by the Governor of Maryland. A commission is granted for a specific company, institution, or municipality. Generally, a commission authorizes the officer to arrest individuals who trespass or commit offenses on the property described in the commission, exercise the powers of a police officer on the property described in the commission, exercise the powers of a police officer in a county or municipal corporation associated with the property described in the commission, and direct and control traffic on public highways and roadways in the immediate vicinity of the property described in the commission. Special Police Officers have knowledge of public safety, security, law, and government.​​

This program features a course of study that is approved by the Secretary of the Maryland State Police. Students will learn the role of a Special Police Officer, criminal and constitutional law, crime prevention, patrol procedures, crisis intervention, court procedure, interpersonal interactions, first aid and CPR, and defensive tactics.

Students​ entering this program should have self-discipline, computer skills, strong interpersonal skills, strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills, social perceptiveness, stress tolerance, strong negotiation skills, and integrity. Students should also be organized, detail-oriented, and resourceful.

​​Special Police Officers work in both the private and public sectors, serving organizations of all sizes at the local, state, and federal levels. Among others, Special Police Officers may work as a Corrections Officer (CO), Public Safety Officer, Deputy, Deputy Sheriff, Bailiff, Peace Officer, Campus Security Officer, Custom Protection Officer, Customer Service Security Officer, Hotel Security Officer, Loss Prevention Officer, Safety and Security Officer, Security Agent, Security Guard, or Security Officer.​​ Additional career information may be found in Career Coach:

Program Course Sequence

Both Special Police Officer Initial Training courses must be completed at the same time. Class attendance is mandatory, and students must pass all assessments.

Course Number

Course Title

Course Hours

Textbook Information

(approximate cost; subject to change)




Special Police Officer Initial Training- Fundamentals of Policing


All material included


T: $225/ F: $525

SSP455 Special Police Officer Initial Training- Defensive Tactics and Use of Force 24 All material included


T: $75/ F: $174

Course Totals 105


T: $300 F: $699

Full Program Details