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Maintaining Your Aid

Financial Aid Standards

Qualifying for financial aid is a big step that will help you navigate the cost of your education. But to keep your financial aid throughout your college career, you need to meet certain standards.

Federal, state and institutional regulations require CCBC students to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards to maintain their financial aid. These standards include Grade Point Average (GPA), course enrollment and course completion.

Course enrollment

Financial aid will only cover the courses needed for your declared major, so work with your academic advisor to ensure you’re on the right track. Additionally, you must complete your program within 150% of the published length of the program. For example, if your degree program is 60 credit hours, you will need to complete it within 90 attempted credit hours.

Course completion

You will need to complete at least 67% of total attempted coursework to maintain your financial aid. This means earning a passing grade (A-D) in credit courses as well as achieving a passing grade (A, B, C or S) in developmental education courses.

Grade point average

Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is calculated after you complete six credits at CCBC. Evaluation continues based on the total number of credits, which includes those that you have completed at CCBC with a final grade of A through F.

Table depicts the required minimum GPA per credits completed to maintain financial aid.
Total Credits Completed Required Minimum GPA to Maintain Financial Aid
1-18 1.50
19-31 1.75
32-44 1.85
45 or more 2.00

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Financial Aid

Extended hours