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Emergency Procedures and Safety Tips

Be prepared, stay safe.

In any emergency, knowing what to do can save lives. Here are essential tips for handling severe weather, fire or explosion, active shooter situations, and robbery. Stay informed and prepared to protect yourself and others.

During an emergency, call Public Safety at 443.840.1111 or dial 911 as soon as you can.

  • If possible, proceed to a ground level or underground level of the building.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Stay in a safe shelter location such as an inside hallway. Avoid windows, mirrors, glass and unsecured furniture such as filing cabinets or book cases.
  • Remain alert for falling objects.
  • Carry your cell phone and class roster with you.
  • Remain in the safe shelter location until the tornado/severe thunderstorm warning has expired.
  • Report injuries to Public Safety at 443.840.1111 or call 911.
  • Activate the fire alarm system and evacuate the building immediately.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Call Public Safety at 443.840.1111 and report the location and type of incident.
  • Carry your cell phone and class roster with you.
  • Notify authorities if anyone from your class or office area is missing.
  • Do not re-enter the building until told to by on site authorities, or until you hear the alert tone and "All Clear" signal from the alert system.
  • Call Public Safety at 443.840.1111 or 911 as soon as you can.
  • Make a plan to run, hide or fight.
  • If Public Safety sends an alert, take it seriously and act quickly.
  • Try to stay calm. Don't make any sudden movements to upset the robber.
  • Do exactly as you are told. Do not resist!
  • If you have to move or reach, tell the robber what you are going to do and why.
  • Try to get a good look at the robber (and their vehicle, if possible) so you can describe them later.
  • Once you are safe, call Public Safety at 443.840.1111 or 911 and notify them of the incident.

Robbery prevention tips

Procedure videos

Watch our safety procedure videos to keep informed of what to do in an emergency. "Comprehensive Procedures" covers our public safety program. "Emergency Management Procedures" guides you on handling active shooters, severe weather, and medical emergencies. "CPR | AED | EPI PEN Procedures" covers emergency first aid procedures such as CPR, AED use, and EPI pen administration.

Public Safety Offices

CCBC Catonsville

  • Phone: 443.840.4011
  • Location:
    College Services Center, room 100
Map and directions

CCBC Dundalk

  • Phone: 443.840.2535
  • Location:
    Alvin and Mary Lloyd College Center (LOYD), room 124
Map and directions

CCBC Essex

Map and directions