CCBC Catonsville
Classroom and Laboratory Building (CLLB)
800 South Rolling Road
Baltimore, MD 21228
Did you know that the average wage for morticians and funeral directors in Maryland is $74,000?*
If you are applying to the Mortuary Science Program or are curious about a career in funeral service, please attend one of our information sessions to find out more.
During the information session, you will have a chance to meet with our program director, who will:
- Discuss the requirements for admission to the Mortuary Science Program
- Review Mortuary Science Program policies
- Explain what it is like to be in the program
- Describe what it is like to work in funeral service/funeral homes
- Give a tour of the Mortuary Science classrooms
- Answer questions from prospective students
Information sessions are held on the third Wednesday of every month (except for April and June) in the Classroom and Laboratory Building, room #103. Located near parking lot # 2 (park in white spaces only)
*Statistic from the U.S. Census Bureau