How to make an appointment
Request an appointment with your assigned International Student Counselor if you have a question that will take
more than 15 minutes to discuss. To schedule an appointment, call 443.840.5005 or 443.840.1005 or email or Appointments generally last up to 30 minutes, but if you feel you need more time, ask for a longer appointment.
Services requiring an appointment:
- Travel signature on your Form I-20
- Employment and enrollment verification
- Motor Vehicle Administration letters
- Reinstatement
- Change of status
- Complete OPT or CPT applications
- Academic advisement
- Off-campus employment based on economic hardship
Walk-in hours
You may access counseling services without an appointment during ISS walk-in hours. These times are reserved for short 10-15 minute sessions. Walk-in requests are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. You should plan to visit the International Student Services office at least 30 minutes before the end of your counselor’s walk-in period.
Services provided during walk-in hours:
- Change of major, name or address in I-20
- Obtain transfer complete I-20
- Continue Attendance I-20
- General questions related to employment, immigration status, etc.